6th international scientific conferenceIntellectual culture of Belarus:issues of philosophical heritage interpretation and modern tasks of humanitarian studies

The Institute of Philosophy of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus holds on 17-18 November 2022 the 6th international scientific conference “Intellectual culture of Belarus: issues of philosophical heritage interpretation and modern tasks of humanitarian studies”
The conference proceeds the array of annual events of the Institute of Philosophy of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus which are dedicated to the Global day of philosophy by UNESCO and aimed at revealing and promoting for international community Belarusian intellectual culture as of variety of its manifestations, its philosophical, moral-ethical and socio-political thought, its science and education.
Event’s target: the discussion of issues and directions of development of modern philosophical knowledge considering contemporary global problems and challenges; the estimation of potentials of the Belarusian philosophical science, traditions of the Belarusian academic philosophy school, its participation in regional and global partnership; speculation on the contents of the historic-philosophical process as of its universal and national dimensions.
The organizers invite for participation in conference: scholars, tutors, representatives of state administrative bodies, employees of companies and organizations, experts, specialists in the field of socio-humanitarian processes.
The conference implies alternatives of intramural, extramural and distant (online video conference presentation) participation. While selecting applications, the priority is given to intramural and distant presentations.
Working languages are: Belarusian, Russian, English.
The following issues are planned for discussion:
- formation and development of the Belorussian national philosophy;
- heuristic potentials and ideological influence of philosophical heritage of the past within contemporary society transformation;
- Belarussian national identity: historical and social-philosophy context;
- historic-philosophical process and its modern interpretations;
- classical issues of philosophical knowledge and its significance in view of actual issues of scientific studies, social and spiritual development;
- historic memory as an object of philosophical studies;
- methodological complexity and research strategies of the contemporary philosophical knowledge;
- folk wisdom, Belorussian ethno-philosophy and their modern interpretation;
- culture-civilizational and axiology-esthetical dimension of intellectual culture, the role of international partnership in its building and evolution;
- philosophical, ethical, humanistic challenges of the first half of the XXI century;
- practical and application aspects of modern philosophical knowledge.
The structure of the conference.
During the forum, a plenary and a number of breakout sessions, round tables will be held.
The topics of breakout sessions are:
- The Belarusian national philosophy: key problems, personalities, stages and directions of development.
- The historic-philosophical process in its universal and regional dimension.
- Socio-philosophical knowledge as a scientific basis for comprehending the contradictions of the modern world.
- Philosophical and methodological strategies in the philosophy of science and the problem of the dynamics of scientific knowledge (for the 100th anniversary of Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) and Imre Lakatos (1922-1974)).
- Aesthetic values, moral paradigms and pedagogic-educational strategies in the national intellectual culture.
- Actual problems and tasks of philosophy of religion and religious studies.
The topics of round tables are:
- Round table “The philosophical legacy of Francisk Skoryna (for the 500th anniversary of the publication of the “Little Road Book”)”.
This year marks the 500th anniversary of the publication of the first book in the Belarusian lands – the “Little Road Book” by Francisk Skoryna. This significant occasion appeared to be a crucial spiritual overturn of the entire cultural life of our country, its enrichment by Renaissance traditions, further development of the synthetic character of Belarusian philosophy. The round table implies a discussion of the philosophical foundations of the spiritual feat of Francisk Skoryna, various aspects of Renaissance philosophy in Belarus, as well as its significance for the subsequent development of socio-political thought.
- Round table “The origins of the formation of the Belarusian identity (for the 500th anniversary of the creation by N. Gusovsky “The song about a bison”)”.
The anniversary of release of the poem “The song about a bison” is a cause to discuss the identity of Belarusians in the Renaissance era, as well as its subsequent development and enrichment. A discussion is expected on the following range of issues: the place of nature in the Belarusian worldview, its patriotic and aesthetic comprehension; folk and high culture; the influence of the spirit of the people on national philosophical development; the Renaissance transformation of the self-consciousness of Belarusians and its significance for our subsequent spiritual history.
- Round table “Areal, diachronic and comparative aspects of Belarusian ethnophilosophy”.
The round table is supposed to discuss a range of vital issues of ethnophilosophical knowledge: general and special in the distribution of key themes, ideas and concepts of Belarusian ethnophilosophy; their historical transformations and trans-temporal themes; the impact of cross-border and ethno-cultural interaction; ethnophilosophical comparative studies: genetic correspondences, typological analogies and borrowings.
- Round table “Actual directions of bioethical researches in Belarus”.
The purpose of the round table is to discuss the formation of methodological foundations of bioethics on the basis of an interdisciplinary synthesis of socio-philosophical, anthropological, biological knowledge and humanitarian-ethical approaches; moral and ethical aspects of the development of modern medical, genetic knowledge and biotechnology to ensure a decent quality of human life.
- Round table “Belarusian-Chinese cooperation in the field of philosophical and humanitarian sciences: development of interacademic expertise”.
The round table is devoted to the analysis of trends in the formation of interacademic expertise and its fundamental and application importance in Belarus and China. The participants of the round table will be representatives of institutes of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, NAS of Belarus, Linnan University (China), Belarusian experts.
The topics of breakout sessions and round tables may be refined as the program is being formed.
Participation in the conference:
To participate in the conference, it is necessary BEFORE SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 to fill out an application and attach the abstract of the report (the file name must consist of the surname and initials of the first author. For example: Ivanov II.doc) at the link https://forms.yandex.ru/cloud/62907da19401b3fe2986bed5/
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