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Science and innovations in the Republic of Belarus


Development of Belarus' science in the end of XX century

Staff and Scientific priority issues

Financing, facilities and equipment

State Committee for Science and Technology

Higher Certifying Commission

National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Achievments of Belarus' science

Science management

Informational support of S&T and innovation activities

Internation S&T cooperation issues

Innovative way of Belarus' development

Before the USSR’s collapse, the Republic of Belarus disposed of a highly developed scientific and technical potential. In 1990 the ratio of expenditure on research and development to GDP in Belarus accounted for 2.27% (in Russia – 2.98%), which is higher than the current average for the EU-27 (1.85% in 2007). Dozens of major research institutes, subordinated to All-Union ministries, many industrial research institutes and design bureaus at enterprises actively worked in the Republic. Fundamental and applied research was actively developed at the Academy of Sciences, its results were tested at experimental production and were used by enterprises throughout the USSR. Active development of scientific research at universities in collaboration with academic institutes covered the needs of the economy for highly qualified personnel with scientific background, able to participate actively in technological modernization of production, development of public health, and environment protection. Young specialists were actively involved in scientific work.



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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011