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Development of Belarus' science in the end of XX century


The USSR’s collapse led to rupture of old relations, loss of relevance of results, the need to find markets for scientific production. These processes were particularly painful for scientific organizations of natural and engineering sciences.

From the beginning of 1990s, the scientific and technological potential of the Republic of Belarus, like that of the other states of the CIS, decreased significantly. During this time the number of people involved in research and development became 3.2 times less (107.3 thousand of people in 1990; 33.5 thousand of people in 2009). The State Government did everything possible by the force of direct budgetary funding and government order (government scientific and technological programs). Therefore, the main task for this period was the requirement for the focus of research to be reoriented as the old academic relations failed. Before 1990, scientific works in Belarus have been conducted in the interest of the whole USSR and their territorial aspect was not importance. The new political and economic conditions made it necessary to provide appropriate research and development scales but to orientate those to country concern.

For this reason, on the 19 January 1993, the government of the Republic of Belarus passed the law “On governmental scientific and technological policy basics”. In a short time, the system of state governing bodies for scientific and technical development, the national patent system, and the training and certification of scientific personnel system were all created. In scientific and technological development management, the main role in the Republic now belongs to government. Science is now involved into the problems of real economy and social sphere by the system of governmental scientific and technological programs. The National academy of Sciences has a new status as a country’s leading scientific body. A number of special funds supporting scientific, technological and innovative activities have been set up – Belarusian State Fund for Basic Research, Fund of Informatization, Belarusian Innovative Fund, and trade innovative funds. International scientific and technological collaboration as a term for research level increase was developed further. Transformational processes in science are focused on the commercialization of discoveries. Following these reforms all the aspects of scientific and technological activities in Belarus have a firm legislative basis.

Among the new independent states founded in the post-Soviet space, the Republic of Belarus has, to a considerable extent, retained its potential in scientific field. Scientific support continues in almost all activities in the industrial and social spheres, and in management. In 2009, research and development were carried out by 446 research, engineering, and technological institutions, universities and industrial enterprises.


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Staff and Scientific priority issues


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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011