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Informational support of S&T and innovation activities
Informational support of scientific, technological and innovative activities in Belarus is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On scientific and technical information”, passed on 5 May 1999, which established the basis of public policy in the field of scientific and technical information, the order of its formation and implementation in the interest of scientific and technological, economic and social progress of the country. Providing researchers and specialists with necessary scientific literature is performed by the Central Scientific Library of NAS of Belarus, the Republican Library for Science and Technology, Republican Scientific Medical, Pedagogical and Agricultural Libraries, university and other libraries. Scientific publications and periodicals, collected articles, educational and reference books on a wide range of fields of science and technology are issued by the Publishing House “Belarusian Science” of NAS of Belarus, publishing centers of research institutes and universities.
More than 200 authoritative scientific journals, including international, are published in Belarus. Among those: “Belarusian Linguistics”, “Belarusian Medical Journal”, “Belarusian Economic Journal”, “Computational methods in applied mathematics”, “Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”, “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” (in 7 thematic series), “Journal of Applied Spectroscopy”, “Journal of Engineering Physics”, “Informatics”, “Lithosphere”, “Materials, Technologies, Tools”, “Science and Innovations”, “Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems”, “News in Biomedical Sciences”, “News of Radiodiagnostics”, “Sociology”, “Friction and Wear”, etc.; part of these journals is published in English or translated, reprinted and distributed worldwide by foreign scientific publishers.
Much attention is paid to the development of scientific and technical information on the basis of modern information technology. To promote the achievements of Belarusian scientists, the research organizations, universities, and scientific societies actively use the opportunities of the public worldwide computer network system Internet. Scientific information-analytical newspaper of Belarus “Vedy”, whose founders are the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the State Committee for Science and Technology, contributes to dissemination of information on scientific potential and promotion of the achievements of Belarusian researchers and developers. It highlights the issues of state scientific and technical policy, legal regulation of scientific and innovative activities, activization of the research-and-production sector, the country’s innovative, international scientific and technological cooperation, history of the Belarusian science and technology, etc.
Internation S&T cooperation issues