Maksimovich, V. A. National artistic tradition in the context of humanitarian safety of Belarus
In the monograph, there are considered the theoretical and applied aspects of the national artistic tradition, its intellectual, moral, aesthetic potential, the degree of influence on modern national and cultural processes in the context of factors and conditions of ensuring humanitarian security of modern Belarusian society. There were revealed the conceptual-ideological and spiritual-moral foundations of creativity by Ya. Kupala, Ya. Kolas, M. Bagdanovich, M. Garetsky, K. Chorny, V. Bykau, multidimensionality of artistic-aesthetic and existential-ontological discourse of their creativity.
The book was created for researchers, teachers, ideological workers, and everyone who is interested in the issues of preservation and development of the national artistic tradition, enrichment of spiritual potential of a modern person.
Maksimovich, V. A. National artistic tradition in the context of humanitarian safety of Belarus / V. A. Maksimovich. – Minsk: Belaruskaya navuka, 2019. – 267 p. ISBN 9789850824622
Максімовіч, В. А. Нацыянальная мастацкая традыцыя ў кантэксце гуманітарнай бяспекі Беларусі / В. А. Максімовіч. – Мінск : Беларуская навука, 2019. – 267 с. ISBN 9789850824622