Pris, I. E. Contextuality of ontology and modern physics

Контекстуальность онтологии и современная физика

The book proposes a new realistic position – contextual realism, which is Wittgenstein’s non-metaphysical realism. Within the framework of this position, the philosophical problems of modern physics and, in particular, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, and string theory are solved. Traditional metaphysical and scientific realisms are rejected. The basic idea is that physical ontology depends on the context. Physical theory is interpreted as Wittgenstein’s rule (norm) for “measuring” physical reality within the Wittgenstein’s language game, and the practice of its applications as Wittgenstein’s form of life. The issues of nature and ontology of space-time and quantum reality are considered. The contextual realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics is proposed.

Pris, I. E. Contextuality of ontology and modern physics / I. E. Pris. – SPb.: Aleteya, 2020. – 346 p. – (Bodies of thought). ISBN: 978-5-00165-049-2
Прись, И. Е. Контекстуальность онтологии и современная физика / И. Е. Прись. – СПб.: Алетейя, 2020. – 346 с. – (Тела мысли). ISBN: 978-5-00165-049-2


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