“In the name of truth, goodness and beauty…”
On November 4, 2016 the Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Belarus will hold the honoring one of the most authoritative philosophers of modern Belarus, a specialist in the history of the Belarusian philosophy, culture, aesthetics and ethnically oriented philosophical disciplines professor Engels Doroshevich. This year, he is 85 years old.
The Intsitute’s Center for history of philosophy and comparative studies has prepared to the anniversary the roundtable meeting on the theme “In the name of truth, goodness and beauty…” It will bring together scientists and teachers of the Institute of Philosophy and the Belarusian State University of Culture – the two institutions, which are closely related to the creative biography of Prof. Doroshevich. Reports on the contribution of Prof. Doroshevich to Belarusian philosophy and culture will be read, analysis of his most important scientific ideas and concepts will be done, and the tasks of studying the historical and philosophical heritage of the nation in the context of the priorities of philosophical studies in Belarus, Eastern Europe and the world at large will be investigated during the meeting.