One more useful model has been developed and patented at the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus

Многофункциональный тренажёр динамической и изометрической нагрузки

A useful model “Muscle training device” named “Multifunctional trainer for dynamic and isometric load” has been developed and patented at the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus. The author of the invention is graduate student Ivan Skiba.

This device, as well as in case of the previously presented model “POWER HOOP”, is a trainer aimed at special physical training of combat athletes. The trainer can also be used for general physical development in mass sports. Another area of application of this development is rehabilitation and therapeutic physical training.

The author of the invention has a higher education in physical training and is a master of pedagogy. He is engaged in the methodology of sports improvement and generation of innovative means of ensuring sports activity for more than seven years.

Patent holder is the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus.

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