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Article 9. Organization of forecasting of scientific and technical development
State bodies of the Republic of Belarus take decisions on matters of scientific and technical development based on the preliminary development of forecasts on the critical issues of socio-economic, scientific and technical, structural and investment policy.
To justify the state scientific and technical policy, the Government of the Republic of Belarus organizes the development of comprehensive forecasting of scientific and technical progress of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 10. Priority directions of scientific and technical activities
The state scientific and technical policy is formed on the basis of the selection of priority directions of scientific and technical activities, the concentration of resources to solve the most important socio-economic problems of the Republic of Belarus.
The priority directions of scientific and technical activities are determined by the results of assessments of state and the development of forecasts of socio-economic and scientific and technical development of the republic.
The priority directions of scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus are developed by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, are approved by the President of the Republic of Belarus, and are the basis for the distribution of the republican and local budgets allocated to scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities.
Article 11. Scientific and technical programs
With the purpose of realization of the state scientific and technical policy on the priority areas of scientific and technical activities, the state, branch, regional, interstate scientific and technical programs are being developed.
The state scientific and technical programs are designed to address the most significant national economic, ecological, social and defence problems.
The list of scientific and technical programs, the order of their development, finance and performance are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus with the agreement of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The order of participation of the Republic of Belarus in interstate scientific and technical programs are established by international (interstate, intergovernmental) agreements of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 12. Innovative projects
To create and practical assimilation of new and improve existing technologies, kinds of products and services, the innovative projects developed on a competitive basis are carried out.
The financial support for innovative projects at the expense of the republican budget is usually carried out on a competitive and on a return basis with equity participation of the interested organizations and enterprises.
Innovative projects can be implemented independently or be an integral part of the state, branch, regional and intergovernmental scientific and technical programs.
The order of competitive selection and realization of innovative projects funded from the republican budget is determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus with the agreement of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 13. State scientific and technical expertise
The competitive selection of tasks of the state scientific and technical programs and innovative projects financed from the republican budget is carried out on the results of the state scientific and technical expertise to conduct which scientific organizations, universities, public organizations of scientists, as well as individual scientists and specialists, including foreign ones, are invited on a contractual basis.
The order of the organization and conduct of the state scientific and technical expertise is determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.
The composition of expert councils (commissions) created for carrying out the state scientific and technical expertise is approved jointly by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 14. State financing and the use of funds for scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities
In order to realize the state scientific and technical policy the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, other state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the President of the Republic of Belarus, are provided with budget funds for scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities.
Support and encouragement for the development of scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities are a priority directions of the state socio-economic policy.
The total cost of the republican budget for scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities is established by the Law on the republican budget for next fiscal year.
The funds provided by the republican budget for financing of scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities, are used for:
organization, carrying out and coordination of fundamental and applied scientific research, including those performed in the state programs of scientific research;
providing statutory activities of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
carrying out scientific-research, experimental-design and experimental-technological works performed in the scientific and technical programs, the sections of scientific support for the state, regional, branch programs;
training and certification of scientists of higher qualification;
development of material and technical base of the state scientific organizations, including capital expenditures;
organization of activities and development of material and technical base of the innovative infrastructure, including capital expenditures, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
implementation of innovative projects;
carrying out international scientific and technical cooperation in accordance with the commitments of the Republic of Belarus, as well as carrying out activities to promote international scientific and technical cooperation;
implementation of plans of scientific research and developments of nationwide, branch assignment aimed at scientific and technical support activities of the republican state bodies, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
development of scientific and technical information, the content of scientific and technical libraries, information centers and foundations, preparation and publication of scientific and technical, and scientific and methodical literature (including periodicals), conduct of scientific and scientific-practical activities (conferences, seminars, symposia, exhibitions and other activities), maintenance of scientific information computer networks, promoting scientific and scientific-technical knowledge;
organization and conduct of the state scientific expertise and the state scientific and technical expertise;
other purposes related to the scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities, in accordance with the acts of legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
The order of financing the scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities at the expenses of the republican budget is established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus with the agreement of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 15. Financing of the scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities at the expense of the funds
For the financing the scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities in the manner prescribed by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus funds, including innovative ones, can be created.
Article 16. Economic mechanisms of stimulating scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities
The state promotes scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities through appropriate tax and credit policy.
Specific measures for economic promotion of scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities are established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 17. Performing the scientific and technical programs for the state needs
Performing the scientific and technical programs for state needs is realized in accordance with state contract for the supply of scientific and technical products on a competitive basis. The procedure for forming the state needs for scientific and technical products is determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 18. The system of scientific and technical information
One of the directions of the state scientific and technical policy is the support and development of scientific and technical information system. With this purpose, the state bodies of the Republic of Belarus:
ensure the development of central and territorial networks of collecting and processing all kinds of scientific and technical information;
take measures to improve quality of scientific and technical information and information services;
stimulate the creation of modern information technologies, information systems and networks, and ensures the development of communication systems;
implement financial, including foreign exchange, support for the creation, acquisition and dissemination of scientific and technical information;
establish conditions for transparency, accessibility and preservation of scientific and technical information.
Restrictions on the use of information which constitutes state, official or commercial secrets, are established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 19. Regulating intellectual property relations
Relations connected with the exclusive rights (intellectual property) of a citizen or legal person on the protected results of intellectual activity and means of individualization of participants of civil turnover, goods, works or services are governed by international treaties which the Republic of Belarus has entered into and the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 20. Technical regulation, standardization, validation of product requirements of technical normative legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization and support of uniformity of measurements in scientific, scientific and technical and innovative spheres
Technical regulation, standardization, validation of product requirements of technical normative legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization and support of uniformity of measurements in scientific, scientific and technical and innovative spheres are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 21. State policy in the field of training of scientific personnel and increasing the prestige of scientific work and technical creativity
The public policy of the Republic of Belarus in the field of training of scientific personnel and increasing the prestige of scientific work and technical creativity is an integral part of the state scientific and technical policy and it is aimed to increase scientific and technical and intellectual potential of the society, the development of creativity and dissemination of scientific and scientific-technical knowledge. For these purposes the state bodies of the Republic of Belarus:
promote scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities, social, economic and legal protection of scientific, scientific and pedagogical, and engineering and technical workers;
form the state policy on the remuneration of scientific, scientific and pedagogical, and engineering and technical workers to increase the prestige and attract the most capable and talented citizens into this area;
provide training of scientific personnel in higher educational institutions, state scientific organizations, supply them with the necessary material resources and budgets in the prescribed manner;
create equal legal conditions for functioning the subjects of scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities of the various forms of ownership that carry out training and increase the qualification of the personnel;
form the system of search and selection of talented youth, create a network of specialized educational institutions, training and production centres of higher educational institutions, scientific organizations and enterprises, promote training of young scientists in scientific institutions, higher educational institutions, collaboration of scientists, teachers and specialists in the field of teaching and scientific research, other forms of the integration of science, education and production;
contribute to improving the system of certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, mutual recognition of documents on higher education, on scientific degrees and ranks at the interstate level.
Article 22. The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the highest state scientific organization, the activities of which are governed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Article 23. State regulation of international scientific and technical cooperation
State bodies of the Republic of Belarus support and promote international scientific and technical cooperation of agencies, organizations, enterprises, public scientific and scientific-technical associations, individual scientists and specialists of the Republic of Belarus, as well as create the necessary legal and economic conditions for the establishment of equal relations with foreign and international subjects of scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities.
International scientific and technical cooperation of the Republic of Belarus is carried out by:
performing joint scientific research and developments, scientific and technical programs and innovative projects on the basis of international treaties, agreements and contracts;
carrying out joint scientific research and developments in the international team of experts, international institutions, in joint ventures and organizations;
implementation of the mutual exchange of scientific and technical information, creating and use of united interstate information funds and data banks;
holding international congresses, conferences, symposia, and other scientific meetings;
mutual exchange of scientific, scientific and pedagogical, and scientific and technical personnel, graduate students and postgraduates, as well as joint training of specialists;
implementation of other forms of international scientific and technical cooperation, which do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
The subjects of scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities of the Republic of Belarus may take part in the implementation of international programs and projects, enter into treaties, agreements and contracts with foreign and international organizations and companies, get involved in foreign and international scientific communities, associations and unions in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
The President of the Supreme Council of
the Republic of Belarus S. Shushkevich
See also: Chapter 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS