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The National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS), set up in 2005, is a specialised Government body with the mission to formulate, apply, coordinate, monitor and evaluate R&D and innovation policies in accordance with the Government strategy and programme.

The National Authority for Scientific Research fulfils the responsibilities and undertakes the tasks of the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth (МЕСТ) in the field of research, technological development and innovation based on the provisions of Government Decision no. 1449/ 2005 which specify its organisation and functions.

In the context of Romania's accession to the EU and following the identification of research and technological development as strategic Government priorities, the ANCS is tasked to ensure the harmonization of national RDI policies with those at European level and the rapid and efficient integration of our country into the European Research Area.

The responsibilities of ANCS include:

scientific research and technological development;

technology transfer and innovation;

international S&T collaboration;

development of institutions, human resources and infrastructures in the field;

diffusion and dissemination of R&D results;

public promotion and awareness of RDI activities.

The development of the Romanian Area of Research

The transformation of the R&D and innovation system and activities in Romania, guided and coordinated by the ANCS, is oriented towards structuring and consolidating a Romanian Area of Research (ARC), capable of ensuring the integration in the European Research Area (ERA). Accordingly, ANCS priorities include the general development of the RDI system and improving its qualitative and operational structure, and increasing the international visibility and international activities of the Romanian RDI system. Special mention is to be made of ANCS's firm engagement towards increasing expenditures for R&D in accordance with the target of 3% of GDP, set by the Lisbon Strategy.

The bodies under the ANCS coordination, as agencies for the implementation and funding of national R&D and innovation programmes, are:

The National Centre for Programmes Management (CNMP), which ensures the management of a part of the R&D programmes coordinated by ANCS and funded from national and international sources;

The Executive Unit for Financing Research in Universities (UEFISCSU), which in particu-lar ensures the management of research programmes addressing the development of scientific careers and increasing the research capacity of universities.

The Commission for Social Dialogue ensures the institutional framework for consultation with the social partners, which includes representatives from the ministries, unions and employers.

The National Strategy for R&D and Innovation for 2007-2013

The Strategy document for 2007-2013 includes the following key strategic elements for the development of the RDI system in Romania:

Promoting the creation and development of S&T knowledge for obtaining high-level, internationally competitive S&T results;

Increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian economy, by promoting the diffusion and transfer of S&T knowledge and the innovation processes with strong economic impact;

Increasing the quality of life, through the development of S&T solutions with high benefits for society.

The National Plan for R&D and Innovation for 2007-2013

The objectives and priorities established by the National Strategy were taken into account as reference elements for the elaboration of the main strategy implementation instrument: the National Plan for R&D and Innovation for 2007-2013 (PNCDIII). Its objective is to ensure the conditions that allow the national RDI system to fulfil its strategic role, to develop science and technology so as to increase economic competitiveness, to improve the quality of life, and to develop and enhance the reservoir of potentially applicable S&T knowledge.


The Agreement on Trade-Economical Ties and Scientific&Technical Cooperation, concluded by Romania and Belarus in 1992, and Agreement on Cooperation in the spheres of Science, Education, Helth Protaction, Sport and Tourism from 1994 constitute the legal basis for S&T cooperation between two countries. Articles 11 and 17 of the Agreements respectively imply the creation of Intergovernmental Commission for programs of S&T cooperation forming and coordination.

Based on these Agreements, the Romanian Academy of Sciences (RA) and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) in 2008 concluded Agreement on scientific cooperation. As annex to the Agreement the Protocol on currency-free equivalent scientists exchange was signed, that provides mutual scientific visits realization on terms of financing stay expenses by hosting Academy (the annual exchange quota is 70 man-day for each Academy).

A number of Agreements and Protocols on cooperation is signed on the level of scientific institutes and universities of two countries.

Common actions and opportunities of cooperation in RDI between Romania and Belarus include:

Preparing joint projects proposals under the EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development;

Participation in common COST actions;

Cooperation in common calls of ERA-NET projects;

Cooperation in the frame of international organisations such as UNESCO, ICGEB;

Cooperation in the BSEC Working Group on Science & Technology.



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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011