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Article 10. Main objectives and priorities of state policy on culture

1. State policy in the field on culture is based on the recognition of culture as a major factor in the identity of the Belarusian people, other ethnic communities living in the Republic of Belarus, intergenerational continuity, as well as the basis for personal development and self-identity, education and upbringing of children and youth.

2. The main objectives of state policy in the field of culture are:

2.1. promotion and protection of the constitutional right of everyone to participate in cultural life;

2.2. establishment of guarantees of freedom of artistic creation and other creative activities;

2.3. promoting the preservation, development and expansion of culture in the interests of an individual and society;

2.4. social protection of cultural workers and artists;

2.5. protection of public morals, humanistic ideas and high moral principles in public life, formation of aesthetic environment;

2.6. development of international cooperation in the field of culture.

3. Priorities of state policy in the field of culture are:

3.1. preservation, development and distribution of the Belarusian national culture and language;

3.2. creation, expansion and popularization of works of literature and art for children and youth;

3.3. creating the conditions for aesthetic education, art and cultural education of children and youth;

3.4. popularization of the classical works of literature and art, and other aesthetic and moral values of national and world culture;

3.5. maintenance and development of culture in the countryside.

Article 11. State authorities engaged in governmental regulation and control in the field of culture

State regulation and control in the field of culture are conducted by the President of the Republic of Belarus, Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative bodies, other state bodies within their competence.

Article 12. Directions of state regulation and control in the field of culture

Governmental bodies conducting regulation and control in the field of culture, in accordance with their competence:

shape and implement state policy in the cultural field, in accordance with the basic principles of implementation and support of cultural activities and priorities of state policy in the field of culture, determine the overall strategy for socio-economic and scientific-technological development in this area;

develop and approve the state programs for preservation and development of culture and ensure its implementation;

at the stage of development of state programs of socio-economic development, and other state programs, take into account the possible impact of the results of their implementation on preservation and development of culture, as well as the impact of the culture itself on these results;

establish and periodically re-examine the national minimum social standards in the field of culture and ensure their implementation;

create state cultural institutions and supervise their activities, promote development of material and technical base of state cultural institutions;

carry out planning and provide design and construction (creating) of cultural infrastructure objects necessary for the performance of public programs for preservation and development of culture, implementation of state minimum social standards in the field of culture;

ensure including the tasks on decorative design in the construction projects of public and residential buildings (complexes) and construction of residential areas, and also combination of architectural design of new buildings with existing housing system, natural landscapes, taking into account buffer zones of immovable material historical and cultural values, use of national traditions and methods of building, landscaping to form an aesthetic living environment;

provide appropriation of funds for cultural activities when setting national and local budgets for the next financial year;

promote cultural activities, charity work and provision of non-repayable (sponsored) aid in the field of culture by establishing and providing guarantees for creative entities, privileges for non-profit cultural organizations, as well as individuals and legal persons engaged in charitable work and providing non-repayable (sponsored) aid in the field of culture;

morally and financially encourage cultural workers, and creative entities, which contributed significantly to preservation, development and expansion of culture;

provide special support for young talented writers and performers, creative young people, as well as beginning amateur performance teams;

in conformity with the legislation provide free access to cultural values and cultural activities on a preferential basis for the disabled, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, wars in other states, conscripts, orphaned children, children left without parental care, students of general educational institutions, institutions providing vocational, special secondary and higher education, as well as for those who have special merits before the state;

create favorable conditions for aesthetic education, art and cultural education of children and youth through humanization of the whole system of education, support and development of educational institutions in the field of culture;

organize cultural events related to expansion and popularization of cultural heritage;

contribute to creation, distribution and popularization of cultural values of high artistic and moral merit by entities of cultural activities through placement of social and creative orders and funding of cultural programs (projects, activities) inter alia;

create conditions for revival and development of the historical traditions of folk art, and encourage cultural activities of legal persons and individuals in this field;

contribute to development of literary and artistic criticism, organization and conduct of festivals, parades, competitions, examinations and other forms of objective and independent evaluation of creative activity;

take measures to protect public morals in the procedure established by the legislation;

provide scientific research, development and implementation of scientific programs and projects in the field of culture, provide guidance to cultural organizations;

organize training, retraining and upgrading of cultural workers;

ensure the identification, recording, study, restoring and protecting historical and cultural heritage;

provide official publication of the accepted and issued acts of legislation on culture, make available to the public the acts of legislation on culture, state programs of preservation and development of culture, other documentary information about the cultural life if socially significant in nature;

keep state statistics on the forms of non-centralized state statistical observations and filling instructions developed by them and approved by the central governmental authority in the field of state statistics;

create state-run media, specializing in coverage of cultural life in the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries; encourage publication or communication on topics related to cultural life, in other public and private media through placement of social and creative orders, providing tax and other benefits inter alia;

stimulate publication of literature significant for preservation, development and expansion of culture (literature on national topics, literature for children and young people, classical fiction, etc.);

facilitate introduction of advanced information technologies in the activities of cultural organizations, provide the unified national system of information support of cultural activities and the common information space in the educational field of culture;

regulate the movement of cultural valuables across the border of the Republic of Belarus, prevent illegal exports of cultural valuables and illicit transfer of ownership on them, take measures to return the cultural valuables illegally exported from the territory of the Republic of Belarus or not returned in the manner prescribed by the legislation;

create conditions for international cultural cooperation, and develop cultural links with compatriots living abroad;

provide support to international organizations that have been created and (or) operate in the Republic of Belarus in order to fulfill its international obligations in the field of culture;

can support creative unions in accordance with the legislation;

create favorable conditions for development of club facilities for the disabled;

perform other duties stipulated by this Law and other acts of legislation.

Article 13. Interaction of bodies of state administration in the field of culture with local authorities and public organizations (associations)

1. State bodies carries out regulation and control in the field of culture in interaction with bodies of local self-government, creative unions and other non-government organizations (associations) engaged in cultural activities. Areas and forms of such interaction are determined by this Law and other acts of legislation.

2. With the assistance of government community councils and other advisory bodies can be organized in order to create the institutional framework of interaction between bodies of state administration in the field of culture and public organizations (associations) engaged in cultural activities, between artists and other cultural figures.

Article 14. State programs of culture preservation and development

1. State programs of culture preservation and development can be divided into republican and regional ones.

2. Republican programs of culture preservation and development determine measures for conservation, development and dissemination of culture throughout the Republic of Belarus.

3. Regional programs of culture preservation and development of culture define measures for preservation, development and dissemination of culture at the respective administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Belarus.

4. Republican programs of culture preservation and development are developed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for at least five years and should be approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

5. Regional programs of culture preservation and development can be developed by a decision of local executive and administrative bodies. Such programs should be approved by respective local Councils of Deputies.


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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011