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Main - - Cooperation - Scientific and technical cooperation of Belarus and the European Union - Mechanisms of EU-Belarus cooperation development - The International Science And Technology Center (ISTC)

Key mechanismes of activities


Analysis of sources

The structure, overall results of the ISTC, including a summary of the projects, implemented and being implemented by the Belarusian organizations supported by the ISTC, as well as information about current activities of the organization are represented in the official documents of the ISTC [1].The analysis of the participation of Belarusian organizations in the activities of the ISTC is held annually at the meetings of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences as head of the national authority on the interaction of the Republic of Belarus with the ISTC.

Methods of research

The work is based on a systematic approach, that allowed to integrate methods of economic statistics, political science and sociology in the process of research. Methods of social and humanitarian disciplines (dialectical, structural-functional, comparative), as well as scientific methods of knowledge (synthesis, analysis, induction, deduction, analogy), have been actively used.

Main body

At the 47th meeting of the ISTC Governing Board, held in December 2008 In Moscow, members of the Council acknowledged that the ISTC had successfully fulfilled its original mission of providing economic support to the scientific community of the former Soviet Union during the transitional period, and therefore it was decided to jointly take steps to transform the ISTC in a more efficient organization on a smaller scale, capable to achieve the shared global objectives of cooperation in science and technology. The decision of ISTC to move to a new level of activity was not spontaneous: the dynamic development of science in the most developed countries of the world made it necessary for the ISTC and its member states to develop new mechanisms for applying the results of scientific work, supported by the ISTC, directed to the increase of the scientific component in the economy of the country, contributing to the solution of the complex task of sustainable development of innovation in a competitive environment. Since 2001, at the meetings of the Governing Council of the ISTC they began to study and discuss one of such mechanism, known as "Targeted Initiatives". In 2002 at the meeting of the Governing Council such forms of interaction as "International scientific laboratories" and "Comprehensive assessment of the institute" were considered as an example of "targeted initiative". In 2002 at a meeting of the Governing Council such forms of interaction as "International scientific laboratories" and "comprehensive evaluation of the institute" were considered as an example of "targeted initiatives". In 2003 the ISTC Governing Board decided on 6 priority research directions (at that organization's commitment to review project proposals, covering all scientific fields, was retained):

- Biotechnology, health and agriculture;

- High energy physics;

- Global security

- Stable energy technologies;

- Environmental Technologies;

- Nanotechnology.

The decision marked the start of a programmatic approach to planning and operation of the ISTC. In the same 2003" The Targeted Initiative for Fuel Cells" was approved, later it was followed by a number of other targeted initiatives, including "Science and technology for the prevention of biological threats"," Drug Design "," Strengthen the law (enforcement technology), "Scientific and technical support to counter terrorism" and "Probiotics".

It was decided to provide, alongside with the standard scientific projects, the mechanism of the so called "Partnership" projects directed to establish and develop business relations, in governmental organisations can finance the research alongside with non-state structures which are interested in the results of a specific project for their own development.



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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011