Philosophical studies. Collection of scientific papers. Issue 4
The fourth issue of the annual collection of scientific papers of the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus is timed to the First Belarusian philosophical congress “National philosophy in the global world” and devoted to the problems of formation and development of Belarusian philosophical tradition, analysis of traditional and new directions of philosophical and interdisciplinary studies, assessment of the prospects of their development. The authors of the collection are famous philosophers and scientists of Belarus, representatives of partner scientific organizations of foreign countries.
The collection was created for philosophers, scientists, teachers, graduate students, students, and everyone who is interested in actual problems of philosophical knowledge in a universal and national context, philosophical approaches to understanding human, society and culture, development of science and technology.
Philosophical studies. Collection of scientific papers. Issue 4. – Minsk: Belaruskaya navuka, 2017
Философские исследования. Сборник научных трудов. Выпуск 4. – Минск: Беларуская навука, 2017