“Belt and Road Initiative”: humanitarian aspects of cooperation between Belarus and China

Один пояс, один путь: гуманитарные аспекты белорусско-китайского сотрудничества
Collection of scientific articles of Belarusian and Chinese authors devoted to the issues of philosophy and culture, political processes and management problems, cooperation in the field of education is of interest to researchers, graduate students and undergraduates that work in the area of Belarusian-Chinese cooperation.
“Belt and Road Initiative”: humanitarian aspects of cooperation between Belarus and China / A.A. Kovalenya [et al]; edited by: A.A. Lazarevich, N.A. Kutuzova; Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus. – Vilnius: BALTO print, 2019. – 252 p. ISBN: 978-609-8193-28-2
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