The history of philosophical and socio-political thought of Belarus. In 6 volumes. V. 3
The third volume is a logical continuation of the previous two; it is devoted to the second half of the 16th – early 17th centuries in the intellectual history of Belarus. The authors focused on the religious phenomena – the reformation and counter-reformation directions of the Belarusian thought of that time. A lot of polemical and educational literature of representatives of different confessions was analyzed; the features of creation of theological systems were reconstructed. The book contains the reflections of the authors on the situation of multiconfessional culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. One can trace how gradually the Belarusian culture was looking for answers to the challenges of coexistence of several religious paradigms in one time and space, creating the unique models of tolerance and synthesis. A significant part of the volume is devoted to consideration and analysis of the phenomenon of baroque culture in the intellectual history of Belarus, those new paradigms of thinking and understanding human and the world that were started by Baroque in our lands.
The book was created for specialists in the fields of philosophy, the history of culture, cultural studies, political and social sciences, and everyone who is interested in the national intellectual heritage.
The history of philosophical and socio-political thought of Belarus. In 6 volumes. V. 3. Reformation. Counter-Reformation. Baroque / authors of the volume: V. B. Evarousky [et al.]; editorial team: V. B. Evarousky [et al.]; National Academy of sciences of Belarus, Institute of philosophy. – Minsk: Belaruskaya navuka, 2013. – 615 p. ISBN 978-985-08-1561-3
Гісторыя філасофскай і грамадска-палітычнай думкі Беларусі. У 6 т. Т. 3. Рэфармацыя. Контррэфармацыя. Барока / аўтары тома : В. Б. Евароўскі [і інш.] ; рэдкал. тома : В. Б. Евароўскі [і інш.] ; Нац. акад. навук Беларусі, Iн-т філасофіі. – Мінск : Беларус. навука, 2013. – 615 с. ISBN 978-985-08-1561-3