Philosophy in Belarus and the perspectives of world intellectual culture: collected papers of the international scientific conference


Philosophy in Belarus and Prospects of the World Intellectual Culture: Proceedings of the International conference on the 80th anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, 14-15 April 2011 / ed.: A.A. Lazarevic [and others], Nat.Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Philosophy.  – Minsk: Law and Economics, 2011.  – 602 p. ISBN 978-985-552-007-9.

The collection contains texts and abstracts of reports made at the International Conference “Philosophy in Belarus and Prospects of the World Intellectual Culture”, marking the 80th anniversary of the Institute of philosophy of the National academy of sciences of Belarus. The conference was held in Minsk on April 14-15, 2011. Intended for teachers and scientists in the field of philosophy, history, culturology and the humanities; also for graduate students, undergraduates and anyone interested in current problems, contradictions and prospects of national philosophies, the formation of intellectual culture in today’s global socio-cultural space.

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Collected papers “Philosophy in Belarus and the perspectives of the world intellectual culture”


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