Aim of the programme: to prevent cognitive aging; to help to overcome loneliness and social isolation of elderly people.
Target group: elderly people.
Duration of the programme: from 1 month to 1 year depending on the request of the participants.
Frequency of meetings: 1 time per week for 2 hours.
Number of participants in the group: up to 12 people.
The programme includes 3 directions of work:
- Systemic use of highly effective technologies and methods directed to prevention of cognitive aging of elderly people (tasks on logic, attention, imagination, memory strengthening and so on);
- Maintaining communicative competencies (communicative situations, dialogues, storytelling etc.);
- Use of the elements of the technology of philosophical counseling in the work with elderly people with the aim of development of constructive strategy of aging, adaptation to the “third age”, overcoming social isolation and loneliness.
Results of mastering the course:
- maintaining cognitive abilities at the high level;
- meeting cognitive needs;
- meeting the need for communication; new acquaintances and friendship;
- re-socialization of elderly people.
After training, elderly people receive a certificate of the participant of the programme of the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus.
There is also provided online course for coaches of the programme of prevention of mental aging for elderly people (programme of prevention of cognitive aging): 14 hours (4 hours for each module) + 2 hours for general discussion with participation of the authors of the programme.
After training, future coaches receive certificates of the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus.
Cooperation consent form
计划目标: 培养健康的精神状态,预防自我认知的衰老,学习更新生活经验;帮助消除自身的孤独感和孤立情绪。
目标人群: 老年人。
课程时间: 从1个月到1年,具体取决于参与者的要求。
活动频率: 每周1次,每次2小时。
小组人数: 最多12人。
- 使用特殊的技术及方法可以系统地帮助老年人预防认知老化等问题(逻辑思维,注意力,想象力,增强记忆力等);
- 保持良好的沟通能力(沟通情况,情景对话,故事讲述等);
- 与老年人的交流学习中运用哲学的方法论,发展和完善老年人心理咨询服务,帮助适应“第三年龄”,帮助消除自身的孤独感和孤立情绪。
- 保持较高的认知能力;
- 满足认知需求;
- 满足沟通需求;
- 新知识技巧的获得与友谊;
- 社会化的健康心理。
为有兴趣参与的老年人心理健康计划(“预防认知衰老计划”)的培训老师提供在线课程:14小时(每个部分4小时)+ 以及2小时的讨论学习,并由该计划的作者进行参与培训。