The first republican scientific-practical conferenceInnovations in education: the potential of philosophy

Scientific club “Philosophy and life” of the RPA “Belarusian philosophical society”, SI “Institute of philosophy of the National Academy of sciences of Belarus”, Minsk public association “Synthesis of human development” hold the first republican scientific-practical conference “Innovations in education: the potential of philosophy” on May 28, 2019.
The aim of the conference is to reveal the potential of philosophical knowledge and principles in solving the problems of organizing effective education.
Thematic content of the conference:
– Personality in education;
– Philosophy in education;
– Technology in education;
– Practice in education.
The procedure of the conference: plenary presentations of experts in these areas should determine the goals, objectives and content of the work within the framework of round tables. During the panel discussion, it is offered to sum up the results of the conference and formulate key theses for their subsequent development.
The organizers invite scientists, teachers, researchers, graduate students, education system specialists, and those interested in innovative approaches to education oriented to practical implementation of philosophical principles of effective and productive educational process, to participate in the discussions.
Plenary sessions and round tables will be held at: Institute of philosophy, Minsk, Surganova Str., 1, building 2, room 510.
Panel discussion will be held at: conference hall of the Central scientific library named after Ya. Kolas, Minsk, Surganova Str., 15.
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