Scientific conferencePhilosophy and Challenges of Modernityto the 90th anniversary of the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus

On April 15-16, 2021, Institute of philosophy of the National academy of sciences of Belarus holds the anniversary international scientific conference PHILOSOPHY AND CHALLENGES OF MODERNITY to the 90th anniversary of the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus
The conference is organized on the occasion of celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Institute of philosophy of the National academy of sciences of Belarus – one of the oldest academic institutions in the country, the only scientific research center in the field of philosophical sciences in Belarus.
The purpose of the event is to discuss the problems and directions of development of modern philosophical knowledge in the context of global problems and challenges of our time; assessment of the potential of philosophical science in the Republic of Belarus, traditions of the Belarusian academic philosophical school, its participation in regional and global cooperation.
The organizers invite scientists, teachers, government officials, representatives of enterprises and organizations, experts, specialists in the field of social and humanitarian processes to participate in the conference.
Working languages of the conference: Belarusian, Russian, English.
Discussion of the following issues is planned:
– Belarusian academic philosophy: history, personalities, problems.
– Philosophy in the post-Soviet space: general and specific.
– Global challenges and risks of our time: strategies of philosophical understanding.
– The status and possibilities of philosophical knowledge in the socio-cultural space of digital society.
– The potential of practical philosophy in the context of the 21st century challenges.
– Philosophy and formation of a new scientific and socio-technological picture of the world.
– Philosophy and current research of consciousness.
– The world before and after “COVID”: philosophical, ethical and socio-psychological aspects of human life in new conditions.
Structure of the conference
During the forum, a plenary session and a number of sections and round tables will be held.
Topics of sections:
- State and prospects of philosophy in the modern world: global trends and national characteristics.
- Philosophical thought of Belarus in the national, cultural and universal context.
- Challenges of civilizational development in the XXI century: socio-philosophical and philosophical-anthropological dimension.
- Philosophy and the modern scientific picture of the world: horizons of transdisciplinary synthesis.
- Value-semantic space of culture as a factor of sustainable social development.
Topics of round tables:
- Round table “Pages of the history of the Institute of philosophy of the NAS of Belarus in persons: the picture of academic philosophy”.
- Round table “I. Abdziralovich’s “Eternal path”: 100 years of reflection and search”.
- Round table “Moral subjectivity in a war situation: how to remain human in inhuman situation?”
- Round table of young researchers “The potential of philosophical knowledge in understanding the problems and challenges of the XXI century”.
These topics can be clarified as the program is being formed.
Within the framework of the conference, the celebration will be organized for the laureates of the National competition of philosophical works and the winners and prize-winners of the selection competition of the International Olympiad in philosophy for schoolchildren.
If a difficult epidemiological situation persists, the conference can be held online.
Participation in the conference:
To participate in the conference, it is necessary to send an application and abstract of the report to the email address BEFORE MARCH 21, 2021. In the subject line of the email, indicate “Philosophy and challenges of modernity”.
Two files are attached to the e-mail – the application and the abstract of report. The file format is .rtf, .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word).
The volume of abstracts should be from 2,500 to 8,500 printed characters, including spaces. This corresponds approximately to 1-3 pages of printed text. The font is Times New Roman, size 14, single line spacing, all page margins – 2 cm.
Files to download