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Article 50. Goals of international cultural cooperation

The goals of entities of cultural activities in the implementation of international cultural cooperation are:

enrichment of cultural life of the Belarusian people, familiarization of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus with the values of world culture;

acquaintance of the international community with the culture of Belarus;

integration of the Belarusian national culture into the global culture and the global information space.

Article 51. Principles of international cultural cooperation

Entities of cultural activities in the implementation of international cultural cooperation are guided by the following principles:

recognition and respect for dignity, value and necessity of preserving each culture, equality of cultures, identical value of national cultures to the world culture, consideration of all cultures in their diversity as a complex part of the common heritage of mankind;

service of culture to the peace, development of peaceful and friendly relations among nations;

mutual advantage (mutual benefit) of cultural cooperation;

obligation to protect cultural values in peacetime and wartime.

Article 52. Areas and legal bases of international cultural cooperation

1. Areas of international cultural cooperation are:

1.1. international cultural exchange;

1.2. cultural contacts with compatriots living abroad;

1.3. preservation and protection of cultural values;

1.4. united work on creation and usage of cultural values;

1.5. scientific research activity in the field of culture;

1.6. conducting of festivals, competitions, parades and other cultural events.

2. Legal bases of international cultural cooperation are the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this Law, international agreements of the Republic of Belarus, and resolutions of the international organizations where the Republic of Belarus is a member.

The Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus N. Dementei



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