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Aniol Dovgird



(02.12.1776 – 26.04.1835)

Thinker, philosopher, logician, psychologist, a Catholic priest. A follower of the Scottish school of philosophy, a critic of Kantianism

Aniol Dowgird was a native of Yurkovshchina estate at the territory of Mstislavl county, Mogilev gubernia (today in Russian Federation). He studied in Wilno (now Vilnius, Lithuania), at the Piarist collegiums of the boroughs of Lubeshov and Dubrovitsa of Pinsk county, where he made a vow at the Piarist order. He taught Physics, Mathematics and other subjects at the Piarist collegiums of Belarus. After 1818 he worked as a professor of Logic and Ethics at University of Wilno, where he taught with breaks till 1832. In 1821 he published in Wilno a series of lectures "On logic, metaphysics and moral philosophy", in 1828 in Polotsk he did the first part of the trilogy "Theoretical and Practical Logic". In 1828 he defended a doctorate in theology "About miracles". He died in Wilno.

His philosophical system includes the history of philosophy, logic, metaphysics (natural theology), moral philosophy. He was close to Scottish school of common sense. Basing on the empiricism of John Locke, he developed a unified system of sensualistic logic. He was the first to develop a system of psychological logic. He criticized the idea of transcendence, considering it contradictory to the principle of theology. Unlike Immanuel Kant he regarded space and time as existing independently from human. He contrasted transcendental idealism to the philosophy of common sense, and the thesis of the real life of tangible things. Dowgird considered the unity of conscience and knowledge as the condition of the moral action, the personal openness to the world as the supreme principle of morality.


1. O loice, metafizyce i filozofii moralney. Wilna, 1821.

2. Wyklad przyrodzonych myslenia prawidel, czyli logika teoretyczna i praktyczna. Cz. 1. Polock, 1828.

3. Rezczywistosc poznan ludzkich // Wizerunki i Roztrzasania Naukowe. T. 5. Wilno, 1839. S. 5–81.


1. Kaczmarek S. Aniol Dowgird – filozof nieznany. Warszawa: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1965. 288 s.

2. Дорошевич Э.К. Аниол Довгирд – мыслитель эпохи просвещения. Минск: Наука и техника, 1967. 156 c.

3. Дарашэвіч Э.К. Доўгірд Анёл // Асветнікі зямлі Беларускай: Энцыклапедычны даведнік. Мінск: Беларуская Энцыклапедыя, 2001. С. 144–147.

4. Rudkouski P. Aniol Dowgird’s Problems with Reality // Studies in Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric. 2008. Vol. 13 (26). P. 27–40.



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