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Main - - Cooperation - International cooperation of several higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus with the institutions from the states of the European Union - Gomel Region

Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives


International cooperation of BTEU is reflected in the development of contacts and contracts with foreign partners, joint projects and programs, the organization of students exchange for practical training, publication of joint training materials, participation in international conferences, organizing and holding international events with the participation of specialists from overseas countries.

To facilitate the entry of the university into the world educational space and to improve the effectiveness of international activities in 2001, the Department of International Relations was established at the university.

The main objectives of the international activity are the following:

o the integration of BTEU into the world educational space and formation of the positive image of the university;

o establishment of the system of training of foreign nationals.

The University participates in international projects. During 15 March 2001 until 15 March 2003 the University participated in the program of international cooperation “Dissemination, cooperation, and university reform in the teaching of economics in Belarus” TACIS NP 21.068-2000, which was attended by six universities of the Republic of Belarus, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain) and University of Montpellier (France).

The head of the Tempus Office in Belarus, I.Gancherenko, noted the most active and successful participation of the BTEU among Belarusian universities in the contest of mobile individual grants of the European Commission within the framework of the Tempus program in 2001 – 2002.

The new direction was the participation in the educational program VISBY. In 2004, the relations with Swedish organizations, primarily with the Studium Centrum (Gothenburg), were established. The project was implemented with wide participation of students and staff.

In 2005, the application to the Swedish Institute for a grant was submitted to finance the second Belarusian-Swedish project “Support to the establishment and development of cooperatives and small enterprises of Belarus and Sweden”. As a result, the project received funding amounting to 165,000 SEK. The project was implemented in 2007.

The University continued to work within the Council of Rectors of higher educational establishments of consumer cooperation of CIS countries.

In 2003, the rector of the University, A. Naumchik, participated in the General Assembly of the International Cooperative Alliance in Oslo, Norway.

In 2003, the student team of the BTEU won first place at the SIFE National Championships and represented the Republic of Belarus at the World Championships in Germany, where they won the first place in the league.

Students and professors of the university participate in international summer schools in Poland, Bulgaria, Austria.

There is a close cooperation with the DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service. Annually, informative presentation are held. Teachers of the German language are involved in activities conducted by the DAAD at the Goether-Institute. Students studying German language, participate in programs that provide training at German universities.

The university is visited by scholars and experts from Germany, Hungary, Poland and Sweden. Especially noteworthy is the course of lectures, which was read for students and professors in English, by German businessman, head of the firm “Van Hees” Jurgen Georg Hyuniken on the theme “Successful international business”.

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