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Jakub Falkowski


Falkowski Jakub Zebedeusz

(28.10.1778 – 22.11.1836)

Theologist, literature expert and teacher; creator of the theory of fiction

Jakub Falkowski was born in a village Coden near Brest (now in Poland). He studied at Brest. In 1797 Falkowski graduated from Wilno Gymnasium and joined the Dominican Order of Preachers. In 1806 he graduated from Wilno University with the degree of Doctor of theology. In 1808–1817 Falkowski taught at different schools, was a professor of moral theology in Polotsk, a teacher of literature at the gymnasium in Grodno. In 1820–1829 he was an abbot of St. Jacob monastery in Wilno, where he became famous as a preacher. He gave evangelic preaching in Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia. Falkowski was an enlightener and humanist according to his world outlook and methods of teaching. He was under the influence of aesthetics of classicism, he developed the theory of fiction. He planned to publish 12 volumes of his preaching in Polish entitled “New Preaching Library”; only 6 volumes were published in 1827–1832. Among his manuscripts there survived a three-volume “Collection of Various Works”, which included a systematic course of “Universal Literature”. There were definitions of all genres of literature. Under the definition of literature Falkowski understood almost all humanitarian culture; and he divided literature into religious and secular, as well as theoretical and practical. Since 1832 he lived in the Dominican monastery in Zabelye, Vitebsk Province. He died in Zabelye.


1. Ogrod rozany, w ktorym zawiera sie duch nabozenstwa i religii ku wygodzie wszystkich poboznych katolikvw sluzacy. Wilno, 1821.

2. Niedzielne kazania. T. 1–2. Wilno, 1823.

3. Dzielo kaznodzieyske we dwunastu tomach. T. III–VI. Wilno, 1827–1829.

4. Biblioteka kaznodziejska, zawierajaca kazania niedzielne i swiateczne. Т. I–VI. Wilno, 1846.


1. Конан У. М. Фалькоўскі Якуб // Асветнікі зямлі Беларускай: Энцыклапедычны даведнік. Мінск: Беларуская Энцыклапедыя, 2001. С. 444–445.



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