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Jan Znosko


Znosko Jan


Economist, logician, philosopher; popularizer of Adam Smith’s theory

Jan Znosko was born in the region of Grodno. He studied at the Principal school of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, where received Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. He started teaching in Grodno in 1794, became a junior scientific assistant in 1802. Since 1815, became Professor Ordinarium of the Wilno University, where he was a lecturer in philosophy, logic, political economy. Znosko occupied a position of a secretary of the University, from 1810 until 1823 he was a head of the political economy chair, became a Dean of the department of moral and political sciences. According to the order of the Educational Commission, he translated into Polish and published with his own commentaries the book “Logic” of a French philosopher Etienne Bonnot de Condillac (Wilno, 1802; the third edition, 1819), which became a school textbook. Jan Znosko was one of the first scientists who made his contemporaries familiar with the principles of political economy by publishing in 1811 a synopsis of a classical work of the Scottish economist Adam Smith “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”, while the whole translation of the work into Polish appeared only in 1954. In 1816, he published an original scientific work “The study on political economy, its history and system”. In 1822, he was a head of the committee on the control of translation of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into Russian. The economist was a member of the Warsaw Society of Amateurs of Science. Jan Znosko died in Wilno (now Vilnius, Lithuania).


1. Loika, czyli pierwsze zasady sztuki myslenia. Wilno, 1802.

2. Nauka ekonomii politycznej podlug ukladu Adama Smith. Wilno, 1811. 299 s.

3. Rozprawa o ekonomii politycznej, jej historyi i systematach. Wilno, 1816.


1. Дарашэвіч Э. К. Зноска Ян // Асветнікі зямлі Беларускай: Энцыклапедычны даведнік. Мінск: Беларуская Энцыклапедыя, 2001. С. 184–185.

2. Пустарнаков В. Ф. Зноско Ян // Университетская философия в России. Идеи. Персоналии. Основные центры. СПб.: Изд-во Русского Христианского гуманитарного института, 2003. С. 400.



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