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List of Priorities
of priority directions of fundamental and applied scientific research of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015
1. Energy supply, energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy-efficient technologies:>> 1.1. energy security, reliability of energy supply, forecasting of energy production and consumption;
1.2. safety of nuclear power engineering at all stages of the fuel cycle, radioactive waste management;
1.3. nuclear-physical and electrophysical methods and technologies in scientific research, industry, health and agriculture;
1.4. thermal physics, physics and techniques of combustion, hydro and gas dynamics, heat and mass transfer in complex systems, media and materials;
1.5. usage of renewable energy sources, waste energy and local fuels;
1.6. energy saving, energy-efficient technologies.
2. Supramolecular chemistry, chemical synthesis of new substances and materials with a given structure, functional and physicochemical properties. New chemical products and technologies:>> 2.1. directed synthesis of new functional chemical compounds and study on structure-properties dependence, supramolecular, hybrid and molecular-organized substances and materials on their basis, the processes of polymerization, structure and physicochemical properties of synthetic and natural polymers;
2.2. biologically active synthetic and natural compounds, biopolymers, bioregulators, amino acids and their derivatives, nano-structured proteins, nucleic acids and their components;
2.3. physicochemical phenomena and processes on interphase surfaces, the colloid-chemical bases of receipt, transformation and application of disperse systems, surface-active substances, physical-chemical mechanics of materials;
2.4. physicochemical basis of enrichment sylvinite and phosphate ores and their processing into fertilizers, new forms of potassium, phosphate and compound fertilizers, enriched with trace elements, with improved mechanical and physical and agrochemical properties;
2.5. complex processing of potassium chloride and sodium to produce hydroxides, carbonates and phosphates of potassium and sodium, and organic chlorine derivatives;
2.6. new and improved materials and technologies of water treatment and purification of potable, industrial and waste water, gas environments;
2.7. new drugs and biocorrectors of various diseases, pharmaceutical substances, modern diagnostic test systems, their production technologies, quality and safety evaluation;
2.8. a new generation of efficient and environmentally friendly crop protection products;
2.9. modified chemical products for the needs of various sectors of the economy.
3. Physicochemical basis of biology. Biotechnologies, biological energy and biofuels:>> 3.1. biochemistry, biophysics and physiology of plant, animal and microbial cells, its submolecular structure, biological macromolecules and low-molecular-weight bioregulators, including enzymes and hormones;
3.2. biology of stem cells, mechanisms of their differentiation into specialized cells;
3.3. genetics and genomics of plants, animals, microorganisms and humans, including the conservation of genetic resources;
3.4. biosafety of transgenic plants, microorganisms and their components for human health, animals and the environment;
3.5. bioinformatics, nanobiology;
3.6. identification and mapping of genes; certification, labeling, identification, selection and creation of agricultural plants, animals and microorganisms using DNA technologies, DNA technologies and genetic engineering methods in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of humans and farm animals;
3.7. microbial technologies and preparations for the food and light industry, agriculture, forestry, medicine and environmental protection;
3.8. artificial micorhisation of plants and soil, the introduction of the industrial culture of new types and strains of higher fungi-producing fruiting bodies of edible and medical and biological applications;
3.9. technologies of biofuel production from biomass of energy-intensive crops, industrial and agricultural waste;
3.10. biological stability of natural and industrial materials;
3.11. metabolomics of living systems, identification of metabolic markers of diseases of plants, humans and animals, metabolic engineering.
4. Therapeutic, diagnostic, preventive and rehabilitative technologies, cell and molecular biological technologies in medicine, medical apparatus and instruments:>> 4.1. self-organization of living systems, the flow patterns of pathological processes, correction of vital functions;
4.2. new technologies for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of cardiovascular, cancer and other socially significant diseases;
4.3. new reproductive technologies, health of pregnant woman and fetus, mother and child;
4.4. promising new drugs, including immunobiological, cell and molecular biology technologies, technologies of cultivation and transplantation of cells and tissues;
4.5. new devices for the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, including those developed using the molecular-genetic technologies and the application of physical factors.
5. Information and communication, aviation and space technologies and equipment:>> 5.1. methods of mathematical and computer modeling, computer technologies and intelligent decision support systems;
5.2. system solutions, architecture, methodological and hardware and software of high-performance parallel and distributed information and communication processes, networks and systems, their information security;
5.3. information resources and services, including digital libraries, interactive electronic services, electronic commerce, information and analysis and reference systems, software and hardware means of telemedicine and distance learning;
5.4. mathematical and intelligent methods, information technologies and systems of recognition and processing of images, signals, speech and multimedia information;
5.5. methods, tools and technologies to ensure information security when processing, storing and transferring data using cryptography, quantum cryptographic systems;
5.6. control tools for the parameters of systems and communications facilities and telecommunications;
5.7. automated systems and technologies of radio frequency identification (RFID);
5.8. technologies for high-precision navigation information;
5.9. physics of space relations, problems of space factors influence on the environment and industrial safety on Earth;
5.10. methods, tools and technologies of Earth remote sensing data to solve practical problems, including analysis and synthesis of satellite imagery, environmental monitoring and environmental safety, methods of protecting the space of information;
5.11. methods, tools and technologies for high tactical and technical characteristics of promising samples on-board equipment of aviation, rocket and space techniques, aircraft and space vehicles construction, control and sending / receiving systems of aviation and space information;
5.12. hardware and software of measurement and control systems, instruments and sensors, digital signal processing, automation of industrial enterprises, transport and test centres.
6. Laser, optical, optical-, opto-, micro- and radio-electronic technologies and systems:>> 6.1. fundamental problems of interaction of radiation with inorganic and organic matter in different phases, including biological tissues, cellular structures and organisms;
6.2. new optical, fiber-optic and nonlinear optical components, materials and coatings, new materials for micro-functional devices, optoelectronics, nano- and microwave electronics;
6.3. noncontact, remote and non-invasive methods of laser, optical and laser-plasma diagnostics, including optical methods of very high spectral and temporal resolution;
6.4. new types of lasers in wide spectral, temporal, and power range, including solid state and fiber lasers, free-electron lasers;
6.5. physical basis and development of laser, optical and electronic technologies and devices, including night vision equipment;
6.6. the use of laser radiation in medicine, veterinary science, seed production, material processing, environmental management and military affairs;
6.7. scientific basis for the establishment and operation of optoelectronic microsystems, molecular electronics devices, and silicon photonics, electronic and optical systems for information processing on spin effects, nanotechnologies, nanostructures and nanomaterials in electronics, optics, optoelectronics;
6.8. physical processes in epitaxial multilayer structures, thin semiconductor and dielectric films, on the interfaces between the layers and the technologies of such structures;
6.9. principles of circuit construction and technologies of integrated, including three-dimensional, chips, devices, functional and microwave electronics, optoelectronics and microelectromechanical systems, LED and photosensitive devices, high-performance solar cells;
6.10. optical-electronic methods and means of measurement of physical quantities, control technologies and production parameters of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits, size control;
6.11. new principles of construction of broadband access, microwave distribution systems, radio-wave monitoring and detection systems.
7. Mechanical engineering. Systems and complexes of agricultural machinery. Monitoring and diagnostics in mechanical engineering:>> 7.1. mechanics, reliability, safety and ecological compatibility of machines, friction and wear in machines, methods of calculation, simulation, design, construction and testing of machines, components and assemblies;
7.2. processes the operation of machinery, mechanical, hydraulic, gas, and biomechanical systems, electronic control systems for nodes and units of mobile machines;
7.3. theory, methods of calculation and design of mechanical, hydraulic, electrical and combined transmission systems;
7.4. mobile machines, machine systems and technical tools for agricultural purposes;
7.5. methods and means of nondestructive testing, technical diagnostics, monitoring and testing during production and operation of machines;
7.6. equipment for the production of large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) a new technological level and micromechanical systems, methods and means to control technologies and the parameters of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits;
7.7. theory, models and methods of automotive logistics.
8. New materials for industry, medicine and construction, science-intensive technologies of their production. Metallurgical and foundry processes: >> 8.1. structure and physical properties of condensed matter, new magnetic, ferroelectric, semiconducting, superconducting, radiation resistant and superhard materials and composites, photonic and nonlinear optical crystals;
8.2. surface phenomena, the processes of contact interaction, friction and lubrication of materials, new composite polymer and metal-polymer materials, modified polymers, elastomeric composites, multi-component additives for modern and advanced polymeric materials, adhesives and melts;
8.3. theory of failure, plasticity, shaping and destruction of materials, metallurgical processes of ferrous and nonferrous metals, alloys on their basis, production technologies of casting alloys using secondary resources on the basis of ferrous and nonferrous metals;
8.4. new composite materials based on metals, ceramics and carbon nano-and microstructure materials and methods for their synthesis, nanotechnologies, modeling and creation of adaptive materials;
8.5. new metal, ceramic and composite powders and methods for their production, powder functional materials with controlled properties;
8.6. high-energy processes in the technological environment and on the interface under the shaping, hardening, processing and testing of materials, formation of coatings;
8.7. composite and hybrid bioactive, bioinert and biocompatible materials;
8.8. new inorganic and composite materials for road, industrial and house construction, methods and tools for measuring the properties of construction materials;
8.9. physical and mathematical modeling, control and diagnostics of welding processes, strains and stresses in welded structures;
8.10. nondestructive testing of materials and structures.
9. Production, storage and processing of agricultural products:>> 9.1. theory and methodology for the effective functioning of agro-industrial complex;
9.2. reproduction, rational use and protection of soil resources and agricultural lands;
9.3. theory and methodology for improving the selection process using the latest biotechnologies and mechanisms of genetic engineering in crop and livestock;
9.4. technologies and methods for obtaining high-yielding and resistant varieties and hybrids of crops, taking into account the targets and zonal characteristics;
9.5. technologies and methods to improve species composition, housing, feeding, reproduction, veterinary protection and targeted use of farm animals;
9.6. theory and methodology of innovative solutions, technologies and methods of processing of agricultural products, developing effective waste-free production and obtaining high-quality food, including foods for children;
9.7. theory and methodology of innovative systems and complexes of agricultural machinery for the organization of highly mechanized and automated production processes in plant growing, livestock and food industries.
10. Ecology, natural resources, resource saving, rational environmental management and protection from emergency situations:>> 10.1. theory and methodology of integrated study and the effective exploitation of mineral resources, geological and genetic modeling, environmental geology;
10.2. physicochemical and biological eco-friendly technologies for solid fuels, recycling and disposal of organic and inorganic waste;
10.3. scenarios of climate change and models of adaptation of sectors of the economy to extreme climate change;
10.4. geoecological assessment of state and management of environment quality, conservation and rational use of natural-resource potential of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems;
10.5. dynamics of biological and genetic diversity of native and introduced flora and fauna;
10.6. problems of migration and accumulation of pollutants in landscapes and food chains;
10.7. reproduction of forest on genetics and plant breeding base, methods, tools and technologies of forestation, safety and protection of forest, multipurpose forest management;
10.8. technologies and means to restore and use of disturbed natural ecosystems;
10.9. innovative technologies of use and reproduction of populations of resource species of animals and plants, DNA technologies of assessment of the gene pool of natural populations of plants and animals;
10.10. methods, monitoring technologies and information-analytical system for forecasting the state of the environment due to economic activities and emergency situations, remote sensing of the Earth's surface in order to organize and control of natural resources and environmental security;
10.11. innovative tools and technologies in prevention and elimination of disaster situations, methods and devices for testing products and materials for compliance with safety requirements.
11. Socio-economic and spiritual and cultural development of the Republic of Belarus:>> 11.1. theoretical foundations of efficiency of national innovation system, anti-crisis and post-crisis mechanisms to ensure sustainable development of national economy;
11.2. strategy to ensure the sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus in the system of economic relations with the international community;
11.3. socio-economic, political and socio-cultural processes in the Belarusian society, prediction and simulation of social dynamics;
11.4. theoretical and practical basis for effective functioning of the national legal system in the context of the priorities of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus;
11.5. philosophical analysis of human problems, socio-economic, political, spiritual and cultural development of the Belarusian society;
11.6. Belarusian nation, the processes of its genesis, development and strengthening of the Belarusian state, national, socio-cultural, confessional identity in the context of modern integration processes;
11.7. universal modern and contemporary history in the context of interstate relations of the Republic of Belarus;
11.8. comprehensive study of the problems of art, ethnic processes and folk arts of modern Belarusian society;
11.9. historical development of the Belarusian language, its current status, operation and connection with other languages of the world;
11.10. Belarusian literature and literary criticism in the context of spiritual and moral development of society and world art process;
11.11. theoretical and methodological foundations and scientific and methodological support of educational process in terms of innovative development of the national education system of the Republic of Belarus;
11.12. mechanisms for effective migration policy, rationalization of employment of various social groups, monitoring the development of human resource capacity of the Belarusian science;
11.13. archaeological survey of the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
12. Interdisciplinary studies. Promising emerging technologies: >> 12.1. physical and mathematical methods and their application to solving actual problems of science, engineering, new technologies, economics and social sciences;
12.2. physics of fundamental interactions, high energies and extreme states of matter, plasma, and its application, plasma-beam technologies;
12.3. quantum technologies at the atomic and molecular, subatomic and photonic levels;
12.4. nanotechnologies for medical and biological applications;
12.5. technologies oriented to the solution of the problems caused by climate change;
12.6. cognitive technologies, study of the problems of consciousness and functioning of the human brain.
13. Scientific provision of strengthening the defensive capacity and enhance the national security of the Republic of Belarus.
© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011